Saturday, May 16, 2009

How To Perfect A Golf Swing


The art of perfecting a golf swing can be very hard if you choose not to learn the basics first. You do not want to be swinging at the golf ball and hitting the tee with a whoosh of gusto unless you have mastered the way the body should move.

Too many over-enthusiasts go to the range to practice lopping the golf ball at uncontrollable swings that result in careless putting. They miss it completely, hook it on their shoes and hit the ball upwards. It is not a good look.

You can often spot a beginner from the way he attempts swinging at the golf club and failing miserably because the immediate result from his bad posture made his swing miss the ball.

Learning the basics first is vital before attempting the 'golf swing' and in doing so elevating your body in a certain way will benefit your entire swing and the distance in which you can hit it.

Let me give you an example.

  1. First stand with your feet apart. Make sure there is sufficient space between your two feet and that you are balanced well. If not you could topple over or worse shoot the golf club into your foot.
  1. Take your golf club into your hands with a firm but flexible grip. Relax your wrist movements so that you can take a calculated swing.
  1. Next, bend your knees slightly so they are flexed. The hips, knees and legs should be nicely synchronized if you are to take the first shot. Your right leg should be flexed.
  1. At the same time, your arms will be coming into play. Your shoulders should be turning into your right hip. You will know you have the right stance when your chin is hanging above your left shoulder.
  1. Finally, with a swift and firm motion, take your swing. Practice these shots in the air to gain a little more confidence.
There is not much else I can tell you before entering the advanced techniques the intermediate golfer would use.

I hope you enjoyed my article. If you want to learn advanced strategies to improve your consistency, slice and distance then please visit

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